XIII. How do I activate/disable an employee?

XIII. How do I activate/disable an employee?

Now you have the opportunity on the app to create, activate and disable employees.

What is it for?

- The connected employee will be automatically assigned to the entry of a state of play, so if it modifies an LDS he will no longer have to write his name with each change (as in previous versions of Startloc). Thus, everything is automatic and allows you to have a clear history on your states of the place.

- Have better control of your employees and access. Each employee has their own access (login + password), so if an employee is no longer part of your teams, you can simply disable it.

How to create an employee?

To do this, go to the "Contacts" tab and click on the "+".

Then enter the "Employee" type, the different information, then validate in the top right.

Be careful, you must fill in the "telephone" and "mail" fields so that your employee can activate their account.

How do I activate an employee?

Once the employee is created, he is considered "pre-activated" he will then receive an SMS and an email to confirm his registration.

To finalize the activation of the employee, he must go to the application and enter his email address. This window appears and a verification code is sent to it by SMS:

After entering the code received by SMS, the employee can create his password.

Once done, the employee is well activated, can log in and access the app!

How do I activate an employee?

If you want to disable an employee (e.g. departure from the company), you must click on the contact noted as enabled, and then click "Disable".

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