My inventory is incomplete

My inventory is incomplete

You received your inventory by email and it seems incomplete to you?

Never install your device app because if you have not completed your sync, all your unsynchronized data would eventually be lost.

If you have received your inventory in an incomplete manner, be aware that the concern lies on the device that last completed this state of affairs, in this case, here is a whole series of verifications to be done to address it:

1. 1. Go to the device that first created or completed the state of play, click on it, and then click "historical", you will be able to see if someone other than you, has made a small building and especially check if no one has deleted signatures!

2. First, check that you are using the latest version of Startloc, because it may correct your problem, for this, open the Startloc app, go to "Settings" and then raise the version number, you will need it if you need to open a ticket (at the bottom of this article), then:
    1. If you are on an Ipad, go from your Ipad on the APPSTORE, look for "Startloc":
      1. If you see the button "update" Click on it, this will update your iPad with the latest version of Startloc
      2. If you button "open", this means that you have on the latest version of Startloc, move on to the next step.
    2. If you are on an Android tablet, go from your tablet to the GooglePlay Store, look for "Starloc":
      1. If you see the button "update" Click on it, this will update your iPad with the latest version of Startloc
      2. If you button "open", this means that you have on the latest version of Startloc, move on to the next step.
3. Verify that your inventory is not in draft mode:
  1. If the icon is black or coloured, proceed to the next step.
  2. If your state of play is grey,in this case, change your state of affairs because it has been poorly recorded, complete it and validate it to the end.
4. Recover your state of affairs by another means:
In order not to get stuck, if your state of play is complete during viewing, you can click on your State of play then "download".

5. This step is difficult, make sure to be on the tablet with which you have created or realized your state of affairs, find the state of play in question, click on it, then click on "Debug and dismissal". Then restart the synchronization. Wait for all synchronizations to be completed, return the status by Mail, and then revive your mailboxes within 30 minutes, normally the problem is resolved (CAUTION: If you have performed this action on the wrong tablet, your state of play data will be lost definitively).

6. If after all these steps your inventory is always incomplete:
  1. Verify the age:In your device settings, check that you have a minimum version of Android 10 or IOS 13 minimum (the latest output versions are recommended).
  2. Check the available memory:Go to the settings of your device, look for "Storage", and the "Available" line must be greater than 1 GB. If this number is lower (or expressed in Mega Bytes) delete photos and/or apps from your device to save a lot of space (it's about swimming). If you can't do it then your device is too old for us to help you. We invite you to change equipment for a more recent one.
7.You have followed the whole procedure step by step, all synchronizations are well realized and your state of play is always incomplete after a few hours? So we invite you to open a ticket so that our service team can help you quickly, here is what we will do:
    1. We will check in our administration tool if the state of play has been correctly synchronized and we will also check the history, you will understand that if the error comes from you, we may never be able to find the missing information.
    2. We will then try to send you the state of play back to you from our STARTLOC, provided that you have it one fully synchronized day, otherwise we will not be able to find it.
    3. If none of these alternatives give a positive result, and if your equipment is rescent with regular updates, we will work together on your device to find the concern and report the necessary information ( TXT format) from our developers. who will intervene in the following days.

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